“Math again? No way!”.

We are pretty familiar with these phrase, aren’t we?

It is not a myth that math has been quite an obstacle for students. Personally I have met many students belong to this type. Imagine that one day we go to art museum. Then we encounter 2 paintings. First one is painting A which described as “rare” and painted by famous painter in the 19th century.  While the second one is painting B which described as “painted by contemporary artist”

Art Painting A
Art Painting B

What is our response then?

We as an outsider of the art’s world tend to give more appreciation to painting B, don’t we? This is simply we understand painting B but not so much about painting A. That’s why we can’t really appreciate it. Human mind always work in such a way that it always feel more comfortable with the understandable one.

Back to mathematics subject, student tend to avoid it if they feel they don’t understand it. So the key point here is how to make the student understand the lesson (at least part of the lesson) first. But the challenge still remain. How to make this subject easily understandable? This shall be discussed in another post.

Math Again? No Way!
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