Alright, this topic has been a concern for so many students.

Many people go through this same route i.e. schools – universities / polytechnic / ITE – professional working environment. In the professional working environment, to be fair only those who involve in certain field need a higher level mathematics, e.g. engineering, research, data analytics. Otherwise, most of us need only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So why bother to learn so many topics of mathematics in the schools even with increasing level of difficulty?

My view is that, don’t try to link between what to pursue for the career vs school’s mathematics. The fact is that many students don’t know yet what to pursue for their carrier during their school time. Instead, try install the following mindset. All the topics / lessons in mathematics have one general purpose. i.e. to train our mind for solving problems with limited resources. It is always this similar pattern. A typical problem in the mathematics will give some known variables and then followed by asking the unknown variable.

Ones should learn mathematics in view that Mathematics train our mind to solve real life problems with limited resources. In real life, we need to use the known variables and figure out a way to solve for the unknown one. So, mathematics actually served as a tool to train our mind logically.

Why learn so much Math if what we need later in life only + and – ?
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